The B.I.G - The Brando Island Group – is very proud of its history in the Aland Islands. The original group arrived in Brando in 1980 and immediately discovered the mystique of DX over those barren rocks of this isolated community. It is in the heat of the famous Brando Sauna where many young as well as seasoned contesters from far and near have seen the light

Throughout the years, this group has hosted a multitude of suffering DXers from many parts of the world offering them pile-ups from this rare DX location. And that is the Brando Island DX QTH all about. Switching the equipment on puts one into an instant pile-up to experience that holy feeling of being in the middle of the world DX stage.

The current B.I.G team includes OH2BH, OH2PM and OH2TA and their associates and guests from far and near.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

SAC 2011

SAC CW was the first contest operated with the newly build automation set-up + new tribanders and 40m shorty beam.
Contest was operated by Toni, OH2UA with a good result as the claimed score is in #1 position.

SAC SSB shall be operated by Pasi, OH6UM.

2xFTdx5000 + 2xStation Master Deluxe